(excerpt from the chapter, The Master Architect, in Diversities of Gifts: Same Spirit)
True visionaries are those who clairvoyantly see the end at the beginning, without support from any tangible assistance. Trying to communicate that vision to others can be extremely taxing at times. You will run into resistance when others are unable to see or comprehend what you see. Their criticism and skepticism become a momentary distraction, trying to divert your attention from executing your vision. The vision that God gives a visionary will come to fruition, even if God removes the skeptics or uses them to bless you. God gives a vision, with provision. His designs and blueprints will be made clear enough so that those who have been assigned to make it happen, will indeed make it happen by His grace. This foundation is “Rock” solid!
To build is to start from the bottom and work upward, not from the top and work downward. Working from the bottom up is construction (to develop and erect). Working from the top downward is de-struction (to destroy and demolish). As Kingdom Builders, we are starting from the bottom and working our way up. We are to follow Christ’s lead and feed the hungry, clothe the naked, visit the sick and imprisoned. You can’t build a house without the proper tools, building supplies and a solid, level foundation. The Kingdom can’t be built using weak spiritual tools and building supplies of shoddy spirits and underdeveloped gifts. Not everyone will have the innate ability to be a carpenter, plumber, roofer, electrician, mason or even the architect themselves. Once we learn what our purpose is, the vision will be erected according to His plan and resources. We are a small piece of the puzzle to this Master Blueprint, but nevertheless, a very important and significant component.