On January 1, 1863, President Abraham Lincoln signed the
Emancipation Proclamation to abolish slavery throughout the nation. One hundred and fifty years ago, this very
important document began a rollercoaster of transformation that changed the
lives of every human being across this country. Inevitably, this process of
freedom trickled down to the descendants of slaves and slave owners.
We reflect on a few aspects from the significance of the
Emancipation Proclamation and apply them to our lives today, regardless of
race, creed or gender. If you are a slave to something, whether it is an
addiction to drugs, alcohol, food, toxic relationships, procrastination,
massive debt, illegal activity of some type, infidelity, illiteracy,
complacency or anything else that compromises your integrity and self worth,
then it is time for liberation!
As with the signing of the Emancipation Proclamation,
breaking the chains of anything that has a stronghold on you that keeps you
from being the best and most effective person that God designed you to be, is a
clear signal that it is time to let it go and move on. We realize that with good comes bad, with
light there will follow darkness and with positivity you will find negativity
waiting to shake things up.
In this country, we have many freedoms that other parts
of the world could not imagine. We must also be cognizant of the fact that we
must assert responsibility for those freedoms and pledge to be accountable for our
words, actions and deeds. With wrongdoings, there will be consequences. If we
would just pause and listen to that still small voice that all too often we
ignore, we will find that in some incredible way, we will be able to help each
other rise, shine and soar!
Take a good, long look in the mirror and examine beyond the
point of what you physically see. Are there any chains in your life that need
to be broken? It’s a new year, so why wait and remain in bondage. Break free NOW! Do