Saturday, February 26, 2011

What is the World Coming To?

May we continue to be fervent in our prayers. There is so much turmoil going on in our nation, in our families and around the world, that it’s hard to watch the news and decipher which part of the world the chaos is occurring in on that particular day. It is my belief that God has been trying to slap some sense into us for quite some time now; to remind us that this life is not all about us, but about His purpose for us.

It seems like we have strayed far away from sound doctrine and principle. Far too many are conforming to whatever and that can be a deadly mistake. There are certain things that people do, that used to make me think that they were just plain ole crazy. However, the more you look at it, you will find that they are laced with an unimaginable evil…something sinister, bizarre and very real. There is no excuse in that, just a choice.

It is hard to watch the news anymore, because you will be depressed in the first few seconds of the broadcast, regardless of which network you look at. People are desperate and resorting to engaging in desperate things. But, are we being just as desperate in our obedience, prayer life, goodness and fruitfulness?

We cannot continue to blame the Devil for what he or she does, because they are merely doing their job. Yes, they are busy! The question is, are we praying and doing our job that God sent us here to do? Are we being even busier than our enemy is? We have to seriously look in the mirror at who we truly are, then remember whose we are. We have to make that change and not pass the blame for our shortcomings or depend on someone else to do it for us.

The world is not for us to abuse, but to take care of. With all of the bizarre weather changes occurring everywhere and where peace can find no refuge, we are running into some serious conditions with tragic consequences. Whatever the world is coming to is in the power of our hearts. We can either work together to make a positive difference, or we can continue to be divisive, simply because we have the freewill to do so. The world will not get any better if we just continue to let it be. We have to make that change…you and me!

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