Friday, July 5, 2013

Rain On My Parade? It Depends On My Attitude!

The expression “Don’t Rain on My Parade” essentially means that someone tries to ruin your celebration of achievement or happiness, by saying or doing something to put a damper on your spirits out of malice. However, your response is to let them know that no matter what they try to do to put a damper on your celebration, you won’t allow them to! “Don’t Rain on My Parade” is also a song that was sung by Barbra Streisand in the 1964 musical, “Funny Girl.”

Nevertheless, this saying came to mind this morning as I listened to the countless complaints echoing from so many people about the downpours of rain that has been consistently hitting the East coast in particular, over the past few months. Although we see many plants and trees uprooted by the overly saturated waters, find some areas flooded, or see the destruction resulting in potholes on many heavily traveled roads and even private residential streets, water is still an essential part of life. And as much as we hoped that our 4th of July plans and outdoor activities would not be “ruined” by the rain, I could actually think of much, much worse that could happen. For that reason alone, I try to bridle my tongue so that my complaints would not sound like ungratefulness.

I would rather have the daily showers, in spite of the little inconveniences, as opposed to those who lost their homes in the Midwest due to the unpredictable tornados that swept through so many areas and destroyed so much in its path. No one knows where to begin in order to salvage or how to start rebuilding again because they lost practically all of their possessions. I would rather have the rainy days as opposed to the people who lost their homes due to wildfires that consumed their properties within a matter of minutes, going up in flames and resulting in ashes. I would rather deal with the rain, as opposed to the earthquakes or drought that so many people are suffering from that is literally swallowing up things and even people as the earth rumbles and opens up.

I realize that many areas experience their own climate giants. But it’s the attitude and proactiveness that you have towards that giant, your personal Goliath, which will either break you or strengthen you. So, how do you deal with the circumstances when you are confronted with someone or some situation wanting to rain on your parade? The umbrella is in your hand!

To end on a lighter note I wanted to share this link of that 1964 movie “Funny Girl” with Barbra Streisand singing that classic tune "Don't Rain on My Parade!" Enjoy your day, no matter how rainy, windy or scorching hot the day is!

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