Saturday, November 5, 2011

International Day of Prayer

On Sunday November 13, 2011 (the second Sunday), millions of people will participate in International Day of Prayer. Around the world, many Christians continue to be denied or persecuted for their freedom of religion. The purpose of International Day of Prayer is to pray fervently for Christians who are suffering, as well as for their oppressors, to raise awareness and urge advocacy on behalf of their faith.

I am a strong believer in the power of prayer. Although it may seem like they are not answered sometimes, they are. The answers may not be in the context of how we want them answered. So often society complains about horrific occurrences that we witness directly or indirectly. We frequently cry out about what needs to be done about these tragedies, but we fail to fall on our knees and seek God’s guidance for a peaceful resolve. If we join together in fervent prayer and abide by God’s principles (not simply a principle that is easy and convenient for us, but all of them) we could see some remarkable changes and amazing miracles happen around the world.

Let’s look beyond International Day of Prayer and commit to praying daily for all of our brothers and sisters who are being oppressed unrighteously.

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