Sunday, October 2, 2011

Team Church Zumba Joins a Child’s Place with Sweet Dreams Campaign
It is hard to believe that there are so many children in our neck of the woods who are unfortunate victims of homelessness. The simple conveniences that we take for granted each day is a luxury for these children and their families.

There are over 4,700 homeless children enrolled in the Charlotte-Mecklenburg school system. Statistics say that:

• Homeless children go hungry twice as the rate of other children.

• The national average graduation rate for homeless children is less than 25%.

• Homeless children are twice as likely to repeat a grade.

• Homeless children experience emotional and behavioral problems three times more than their housed peers do.

• Homeless children are sick four times as often as other children are.

A Child’s Place is trying diligently to reach these children. Sweet Dreams is a campaign to collect at least 1,200 pajamas for children from the 2nd grade to the 8th grade. These pajamas must be collected by December 4th so that they can be distributed to these children on Christmas Eve. Zumba members from Team Church in Matthews, NC, led by Zumba Instructor Dania Mazier Tschirhart are striving to double that amount of pajamas with the help of some of their partners from Butler High School, Chic-fil-A in the Arboretum and Albemarle, along with other partners who will be announced soon.

For additional information about the Sweet Dreams Campaign, you may contact Dania at  

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